Global health conference and new risk flows. Impacts of climate and anthropogenic changes

The aim of the conference is to address the health issues linked to the risk flows generated by climate and anthropogenic changes by decompartmentalizing disciplinary approaches. Major witnesses will speak on the climate, the consequences of global changes and the urgency of finding ways of action.
The aim of the conference is to address the health issues linked to the risk flows generated by climate and anthropogenic changes by decompartmentalizing disciplinary approaches. Major witnesses will speak on the climate, the consequences of global changes and the urgency of finding ways of action. They will be accompanied by speakers who will illustrate some fronts of science on the resulting subjects: Impact on health (exposome, interactions between risks, emergence of new diseases, chronic exposure and non-communicable diseases); Adaptive strategies of hosts and aggressors and characterization of responses; Capacity for governance, management and control of overall health by society.