DIM 1Health
DIM 1Health
Events, Call for proposalsMay 15th 2020
DIM 1Health
On the Ile de France Region website, you will find the journalistic interview with Pascal Boireau about Dim1Health and Covid-19 https://www.iledefrance.fr/covid-19-leradication-risque-detre-complexe US CDC site giving practical information on the clinic, the symptoms. A lot of information is given concerning the [...]
DIM 1Health
The SFM publishes recommendations for the possession, cultivation and storage of SARS-CoV2 for research purposes. The list of reagents for the diagnosis of COVID19 is indicated. A list of sites of interest are mentioned A special COVID-19 section exists on [...]
DIM 1Health
Site indiquant l’état de la recherche sur le COVID 19 aux USA notamment en ce qui concerne les essais thérapeutiques. Des informations pratiques sont également mentionnées. Site Reacting, a major site targeting infectious diseases and research coordination in the field [...]
DIM 1Health
Medicen has set up a toolkit to learn and take action against the pandemic
DIM 1Health
Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data. This web site provides a continually-updated view of publicly available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools for use by the community. The [...]
DIM 1Health
National Research Agency – Analysis of genetic diversity: https://anr.fr/fr/actualites-de-lanr/details/news/de-lanimal-a-lhomme-analyse-de-la-diversite-genetique-des-coronavirus-le-projet-anr-epicorem/
DIM 1Health
A phylogenetic analysis based on the polyprotein 1ab gene confirms the emergence of Covid-19 from strains infecting Rhinolophus affinis, a Chinese bat, and cancels the origin of the pangolin coronavirus. Phylogenetic analysis reveals few genotypes harboring the same polyprotein. Further [...]
DIM 1Health